Community Police
The allocated Officer for Renhold is PC Kerry Jones, who can be contacted on 101 or by email here.
PCSO Calum McHattie will also be working with Kerry and he can be contacted here.
You can also find out a lot of information from the Police's Crime and Policing Website here.
Urgent requirements should be referred to Bedfordshire Police on 101 (Non-Emergency) and 999 (Emergency).
Crime Prevention Advice and Information - Vehicle Crime
Security Information from Bedfordshire Police
Update from the Community Policing Team
Information from PC Charlotte Norris (6270)
As members of your local Community Policing Team and as such we regularly review Crime Statistics for the area. We have noticed that the area appears to be subject to Vehicle Crime Offences and as such, we wanted to make you aware of this.
We have been completing visits to the towns and visits we are responsible for. During those visits, we have been checking that vehicles are locked and that no personal belongings have been left within vehicles which could attract thieves.
Things we regularly find that are stolen from vehicles are tools, number plates, sat navs, loose change, laptops and sunglasses just to name a few. Do not leave any personal belongings within your vehicle. Please ensure your number plates are securely attached to your vehicle using screws and not just stuck on.
We have also noticed an increase in vehicles being targeted without any damage being caused. Especially those vehicles with Key-less entry systems.
One criminal uses a device to receive the key signal from inside the home, transferring the signal to a second box, which is placed alongside the car. In effect, this tricks the car into thinking the key is there, allowing thieves to access the vehicle and drive away.
Although the signal can pass through doors, wallets and windows it cannot penetrate metal, so placing the keys inside a metal box, signal blocking wallet or a safe will protect your vehicle from this type of attack.
Should you wish to speak with us regarding any concerns please call 101. This ensures that accurate logs are created of all calls made to Bedfordshire Police. 101 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may also wish to use our new online reporting tool:
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