Renhold Village

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Parish Council

The Parish Council looks after issues of direct concern to Renhold

Renhold Parish Council also considers and responds to local planning proposals concerning residential properties and business premises within the settlement area of Renhold and any other planning matters that might affect the lives and well-being of the residents.

The Council have a Finance Committee currently and a number of Working Groups within Renhold Parish Council that discuss specific issues, for example, relating to highways and the environment. The members of the Groups work as small teams and propose recommendations for the full Council to consider.

You can find the Parish Council's website here.


The full meeting schedule has recently been agreed and is listed below.  As always meetings will take place starting at 7pm, at the Village Hall with ALL residents welcome.  

27th February 2025, 3rd April 2025, 15 May 2025 and 19 Jun 2025

You can also find the Parish Council Diary here on their website.

Local Plan 2035

Renhold Parish Council strongly opposes the proposal in the consultation document for 500 houses and a primary school at Salph End, which would then become part of the urban extension. In its response to the questions arising from the consultation, it is prefaced by this absolute objection. Renhold Parish Council disagrees with the Borough Council's inclusion of Salph End as an extension to the urban area. (More can be read here)