Renhold Village

Welcome to Our Village Website

Renhold Carpet Bowls Club

The Carpet Bowls Club formed some 17 years ago with, at that time, the majority of Members coming from the Village. Over the years the Village Membership has significantly reduced and now the majority of Members come from Bedford and other surrounding Villages.

The Club caters for all standards of bowls players. There are those who come to the Club who just wish to play bowls and enjoy the company of other like-minded players. However, the Club has a very active programme of friendly matches against other local Village teams and all Members are encouraged to take part in these Matches. The Club also has some very experienced players and a Team is selected from all the Members to play in the Bedfordshire County League. The League consists of Teams from all over the County and the Renhold Team is one of the leading Teams in the County.

The Club meets in the Village Hall on a Monday Afternoon from 2:00 - 4:30 pm and on a Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 9:30. To encourage the social side of the session a break for tea and biscuits is held after a couple of games and then bowls finish off the session. Please contact Chick at 

Increasing the Club Membership by more Members from the Village would be very welcome. Anyone who is interested in playing is more than welcome to come along to either of the sessions and try their hand at the game.

Further information about Bedfordshire Carpet Bowls Association here


The Carpet Bowls Club hosted a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan. They raised £238.55.